data and information
about rural properties.
Information is our business
Busca Terra is a unique, centralized, updated, spatialized and georeferenced database of data on rural properties in Brazil.
what we offer
The demand for data and information is not standardized. A dataset can be formatted in many ways and used for different purposes. Thus, we offer total flexibility in the choice of searches and data visualization. and cIf you need to apply for a specific objective, count on Busca Terra to analyze the data and produce the ideal information for you.
information to grow
The total integration of rural data allows agribusiness to be seen as a whole and analyzed in numerous ways. reliable information give more security to the land market, provide more transparency for the entire production chain, strengthen ESG strategies, reduce agricultural credit risks and also enable new businesses. In addition, prospects and predictive scenarios are essential tools for good results!
Don't waste time and money on uncertainty! Have reliable information in the palm of your hand.
Numbers are our forte
+ 9 million rural properties in our base
different information
Hectares analyzed
Analysis time
data sources